.. This file is licensed under the MIT License (MIT) available on http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. walletprocesspsbt ================= ``walletprocesspsbt "psbt" ( sign "sighashtype" bip32derivs )`` Update a PSBT with input information from our wallet and then sign inputs that we can sign for. Argument #1 - psbt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Type:** string, required The transaction base64 string Argument #2 - sign ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Type:** boolean, optional, default=true Also sign the transaction when updating Argument #3 - sighashtype ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Type:** string, optional, default=ALL The signature hash type to sign with if not specified by the PSBT. Must be one of "ALL" "NONE" "SINGLE" "ALL|ANYONECANPAY" "NONE|ANYONECANPAY" "SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY" Argument #4 - bip32derivs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Type:** boolean, optional, default=false If true, includes the BIP 32 derivation paths for public keys if we know them Result ~~~~~~ :: { "psbt" : "value", (string) The base64-encoded partially signed transaction "complete" : true|false, (boolean) If the transaction has a complete set of signatures ] } Examples ~~~~~~~~ .. highlight:: shell :: bitcoin-cli walletprocesspsbt "psbt"