Table Of Contents
- Developer Guides
- Reference
- Introduction
- Block Chain
- Transactions
- Wallets
- P2P Network
- RPC API Reference
- Blockchain RPCs
- getbestblockhash
- getblock
- getblockchaininfo
- getblockcount
- getblockhash
- getblockheader
- getblockstats
- getchaintips
- getchaintxstats
- getdifficulty
- getmempoolancestors
- getmempooldescendants
- getmempoolentry
- getmempoolinfo
- getrawmempool
- gettxout
- gettxoutproof
- gettxoutsetinfo
- preciousblock
- pruneblockchain
- savemempool
- scantxoutset
- verifychain
- verifytxoutproof
- Control RPCs
- Generating RPCs
- Mining RPCs
- Network RPCs
- Rawtransactions RPCs
- Util RPCs
- Wallet RPCs
- abandontransaction
- abortrescan
- addmultisigaddress
- backupwallet
- bumpfee
- createwallet
- dumpprivkey
- dumpwallet
- encryptwallet
- getaddressesbylabel
- getaddressinfo
- getbalance
- getnewaddress
- getrawchangeaddress
- getreceivedbyaddress
- getreceivedbylabel
- gettransaction
- getunconfirmedbalance
- getwalletinfo
- importaddress
- importmulti
- importprivkey
- importprunedfunds
- importpubkey
- importwallet
- keypoolrefill
- listaddressgroupings
- listlabels
- listlockunspent
- listreceivedbyaddress
- listreceivedbylabel
- listsinceblock
- listtransactions
- listunspent
- listwalletdir
- listwallets
- loadwallet
- lockunspent
- removeprunedfunds
- rescanblockchain
- sendmany
- sendtoaddress
- sethdseed
- setlabel
- settxfee
- signmessage
- signrawtransactionwithwallet
- unloadwallet
- walletcreatefundedpsbt
- walletlock
- walletpassphrase
- walletpassphrasechange
- walletprocesspsbt
- Blockchain RPCs
- Examples
- Glossary
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Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.
Name | Type | Description |
n.nnn | numeric | the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty. |
bitcoin-cli getdifficulty
curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getdifficulty", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'